Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just because you told me not to...rebelling against environmental ethics

Insightful post from Treehugger by Sami Grover, from Carborro, NC.

What worries me more, however, is the deliberate attempts by vested interests to frame the environmental debate in terms of freedom versus responsibility, or authoritarianism versus liberty.

The Anthropocene: A New Earth Epoch?

National Geographic has a good piece on the concept of the "Anthropocene," the idea that human influence has pushed the earth from the Holocene period into a new epoch marked by modification of the planet through the by-products of our technology.

Here's is a quote from part of it:

The word "Anthropocene" was coined by Dutch chemist Paul Crutzen about a decade ago. One day Crutzen, who shared a Nobel Prize for discovering the effects of ozone-depleting compounds, was sitting at a scientific conference. The conference chairman kept referring to the Holocene, the epoch that began at the end of the last ice age, 11,500 years ago, and that—officially, at least—continues to this day.

"'Let's stop it,'" Crutzen recalls blurting out. "'We are no longer in the Holocene. We are in the Anthropocene.'

An example of "religious cornucopianism"?

Rep. Mike Beard (R-Shakopee) is pushing for more new coal-fired power plants in Minnesota, but the Shakopee Republican is undeterred by reports about the effects of carbon-emitting energy production on global warming. His reason: He believes God will prevent the planet from running out of fossil fuels while also eliminating the harms associated with climate change.

Read more here...