Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Russians Talking Tough on need for more Environmental Education, Ecotourism and Conservation

Interesting article from Russia Now. Recent heatwaves have seemed to have pushed Russian leaders into serious conversations about the importance of ecological goods and services to the Russian economy and people. photo from RT Story

Monday, August 30, 2010

Finance Site Lists 10 Most Expensive Invasive Species

...and NCSU environmental ethics instructor is pleased with the juicy possibilities of discussion and critique. (Hmmm...examining this article would make a great case study.)

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Seems there's this well known guy that loves the outdoors and mountain biking, is a big advocate of windpower, has stated that we are a nation that is addicted to oil, thinks plug-in hybrid vehicles are the wave of the future, and owns a home with a geothermal heat and air system, rainwater cisterns and many other sustainable features. His name is George W. Bush.