Wednesday, February 10, 2010

There are '6 Americas' when it comes to global warming

The Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies has produced a facinating report called "Global Warming's Six Americas." The study offers that the U.S. has six basic types of viewpoints on climate change. I can see parallels to this with general beliefs on the environment.

MNN has a nice synopis of the study. And Yale has a good video with the study's principal,Dr. Anthony Lieserowitz.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

RepRap, Answer to Future Problems or End of Humanity?

When a student emailed me this (thanks Brad), at first I thought it was some kind of internet hoax, but it is not. There are efforts to create a device which can self-replicate itself. It could have great possiblities, such as emailing specs to remote locations, and equipment could be assembled on site. However, there are some obvious fears that it could be a step towards a rather unhappy technological singularity. This article in SEED addresses this.

The unveiling of a 3-D printer that was built to build itself is hailed as a step toward "Darwinian Marxism."