Sunday, November 21, 2010
Can the party of Reagan accept the science of climate change?
Here is a thoughtful piece by Sherwood Boehlert, a Republican who represented New York's 24th District in Congress from 1983 to 2007. Boehlert notes: I can understand arguments over proposed policy approaches to climate change. I served in Congress for 24 years. I know these are legitimate areas for debate. What I find incomprehensible is the dogged determination by some to discredit distinguished scientists and their findings.

These guys put the "extreme" in "extremophile"

Whoa. Oregon state researchers have discovered a bacterial ecosystem in the Earth's deepest crust layer. And they think there may be some deeper still. Organisms, like these, that live in extreme environments once thought to be devoid of life are called "extremophiles."
Is any part of Earth untouched by humans?

This recent Economist article is reminiscent of that:
Soot gets everywhere. Even into the world’s highest mountains
photo and text from Economist Article
Saturday, October 2, 2010
How to Wreck a Planet in 3,000 Years
This is an interesting, though bit depressing, series they are doing on the IO9 blog that shows how much impact humans are having on the planet. Even though the planet is tough and will probably be here a long, long time, these images show that we as a species can do a lot of damage in the mean time:
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Good Perspective on the Role of Technology in Human Life

Kevin Kelly (co-founder of Wired Magazine) has a great take on technology and its role in human society. It's reminicent of Susan Blackmore's ideas on technological memes, or "temes" from an earlier post. I think we are in trouble when our technology moves beyond its role as a tool and we allow it to manipulate us. Note especially his nine bullet points mentioned in his short NYT article, Achieving Techno-Literacy.
Image from Lifehacker.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Competitive Enterprise Institute's Take on "World Car-Free Day"
Thursday, September 23, 2010
There's a Tragedy of the Commons in North Raleigh!
Well, assuming you consider an aquifer a commons, and I don't see why it wouldn't be. What a mess.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Russians Talking Tough on need for more Environmental Education, Ecotourism and Conservation
Monday, August 30, 2010
Finance Site Lists 10 Most Expensive Invasive Species
...and NCSU environmental ethics instructor is pleased with the juicy possibilities of discussion and critique. (Hmmm...examining this article would make a great case study.)
10 Invasive Species That Cost the U.S. a Bundle (DailyFinance)
10 Invasive Species That Cost the U.S. a Bundle (DailyFinance)

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Seems there's this well known guy that loves the outdoors and mountain biking, is a big advocate of windpower, has stated that we are a nation that is addicted to oil, thinks plug-in hybrid vehicles are the wave of the future, and owns a home with a geothermal heat and air system, rainwater cisterns and many other sustainable features. His name is George W. Bush.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
There are '6 Americas' when it comes to global warming

The Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies has produced a facinating report called "Global Warming's Six Americas." The study offers that the U.S. has six basic types of viewpoints on climate change. I can see parallels to this with general beliefs on the environment.
MNN has a nice synopis of the study. And Yale has a good video with the study's principal,Dr. Anthony Lieserowitz.
MNN has a nice synopis of the study. And Yale has a good video with the study's principal,Dr. Anthony Lieserowitz.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
RepRap, Answer to Future Problems or End of Humanity?

When a student emailed me this (thanks Brad), at first I thought it was some kind of internet hoax, but it is not. There are efforts to create a device which can self-replicate itself. It could have great possiblities, such as emailing specs to remote locations, and equipment could be assembled on site. However, there are some obvious fears that it could be a step towards a rather unhappy technological singularity. This article in SEED addresses this.
The unveiling of a 3-D printer that was built to build itself is hailed as a step toward "Darwinian Marxism."
The unveiling of a 3-D printer that was built to build itself is hailed as a step toward "Darwinian Marxism."
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