Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Let There Be (Incandescent) Light

David Henderson, who teaches Environmental Ethics at Western Carolina, has an interesting take on government programs that mandate energy efficiency, namely, bans on incandescent bulbs.

"Congress should regulate matters that require the force of law, such as banning mountaintop removal in coal mining and new coal-burning power plants. Leave people to change their own light bulbs. "

The whole piece is in the Washington Post.



Objectivist George Reisman's view of environmentalism:

"Environmentalism: The pursuit of individual self-interest causes global warming, acid rain, and ozone depletion. It must be replaced by self-sacrifice for the good of other species—our "fellow biota"—and for the good of the planet, under the auspices of international treaties and a nascent Global Socialist State: the UN. Most of the human race must be exterminated for the benefit of exploited species and the planet. "

Check out the whole blog post to get the full context.