"Congress should regulate matters that require the force of law, such as banning mountaintop removal in coal mining and new coal-burning power plants. Leave people to change their own light bulbs. "
The whole piece is in the Washington Post.
A "Random stuff with a purpose" blog that supports the IDS 201 Environmental Ethics Class at N.C. State University.
The study, which attempted for the first time to come up with real numbers for a set of conditions beyond which Earth may not be able to recover, found that we may have already crossed several tipping points."
I try to be an optimist, but I can't get away from what Garrett Hardin said about Simon and his cornucopian world-view: "Simon really should have taken an elementary math course before he said anything about the consequences of the human population."
Whoa! This one will make you think. Are humans just machines that help memes replicate themselves? Blackmore discusses how ideas replicate themselves from brain to brain, and that the next stage of "replicator" on earth (the first being genes, the second, memes) is the "teme," which is spreading itself via technology. And they are making great use of human brains to do it. (Does she always match her hair to her outfit?)